Team Coaching

When a business faces new challenges or markets, the same individuals can return to a storming phase. When new members join a team and when mergers and relocations take place, a return to forming is likely to occur.

The usual team development model, (forming, storming, forming and performing,) can assume that after a certain amount of time a team will enter the “performing phase” and stay there forever!

The reality is that teams go around this process over and over again.

When a business faces new challenges or markets, the same individuals can return to a storming phase. When new members join a team and when mergers and relocations take place, a return to forming is likely to occur. It is essential that natural changes in personnel do not disrupt business unduly.

Although we believe that a team is simply a group of individuals, certain aspects of team dynamics can greatly benefit from team coaching.

The goal of team coaching is to identify issues both within and between individuals within a team and resolve these. For example, we have found that although many people may differ in their operational approach, generally people share similar values with others in their sector.

How the process works

1.     The sponsor or individual responsible for that team, has a discussion with us.

2.     The individuals within the team all receive confidential individual coaching sessions of approximately 40 minutes. We often use two or more coaches, depending on the size of the team.

3.     Any themes or issues are reported to the sponsor and a team coaching program is co-created. These sessions tend to range from one to two days, and we suggest they take place off-site.

4.     At the end of the session, goals, objectives and shared values are summarized and a follow up session is arranged to ensure intentions remain on track.

Team coaching speeds the integration process so a team moves to peak performance morerapidly. Their business units benefits, and thus overall business performance is improved.